Sunday, June 3, 2012

Good Riddance

As the last of his strength slipped from him, he lost his grip on the edge and the sensation of falling swallowed him.  Fortunately, his prehensile tail grabbed on to the next branch and he was able to swing to safety.  Then he ate a banana and took a nap and wasn’t tired anymore.   M’kaka’poo’pee, or Rupert for short, was a spider monkey, and his life was just dandy.  He got to spend his days swinging around the upper canopy of the Colombian rainforest eating bananas and bugs, carefree in every way.  Well, at least he used to be carefree.  Two moons previous, his father told him “Wheee hooo ha haaa screee mukumuku booboo!” to which Rupert replied, “Sikisiki wa wa wa hoo hoo pee pee pee poo!”.  After that, his dad bit him on the leg and chased him off of the family tree branch.  Now, he was homeless.  He had nowhere to go.  So, he just spent his days swinging around, not accomplishing anything.  He had no prospects, no useful skills, and no tree branch with which to attract a mate.  Basically, he was going to end up a lonely spider monkey in a big rainforest. 
                Then, one day, Rupert heard a noise like a thousand angry jaguars roaring.  It came from the general direction of his former colony.  Even though he was an outcast, he still felt the urge to see what was happening.  He started to swing furiously through the forest, not even stopping when he knocked a trio of three-toed sloths off of a branch.  After a few minutes, he reached a seemingly endless clearing he had never encountered before.  In the place where his home used to be, hundreds of men and giant metallic beasts were eating trees. Somehow, he knew that his family was dead, as was the rest of the colony.  Rather than feel any sorrow, he just thought to himself, “Meekee pin pin sing poo”.   Or, in English, “Good riddance.”

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