Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mermaids, etc.

My ashes floated down until they gently landed on the surface of the sea.
When the fish began to inspect the ashes I knew I’d attract plenty of attention. The flounder around these parts are notorious rats and always report their findings to the authorities.
It’s been months since I received my warning about smoking while afloat, but I definitely received it. At that point I was still new to the whole pirate thing and I had very little idea about law enforcement in the area.
When I snuck out late at night and lit up my pipe I was greeted by giant boils in the water before a large mer-man surfaced and warned me against smoking in these waters. If his gills weren’t disconcerting, I certainly couldn’t look past the suction cups along his arms. When his trident breached the water and pointed at me threateningly while finishing his warning, I resolved to never smoke in these waters again.
That was before I understood my greater purpose. While I sympathized with and even feared the mer-people initially, I passed the point of fear after my first encounter with James.
James was a renegade of sorts. Having received training from a sword fighting guild, he feared nothing. I once saw him trapped in a corner by three trident laden mermen. The mermen called for his surrender, triggering his feverish response of jabs and slashes. After literally disarming each of the mermen he turned to me and pronounced my freedom from oppression.
The next three months were spent in personal training with James as he filled me with propaganda. Day after day I learned the skill of the sword. Along with my dueling, my tongue sharpened with my increased knowledge. James explained to me that there was no room for two human-like races on this earth. Our work would not be finished until every mermaid and man was dead. I could not possibly coexist with these creatures. The only time James and I rested from our training was to spend time with a couple of his wenches on land.
After eradicating several colonies, we had just one remaining: the colony that I had my first encounter with. This colony was notorious for the torture of humans and a misstep here would mean a slow, painful death. I’m sure James could see the reservations on my face, because he reassured me all would be well.
The familiar boils began to surface and not one, but five mermen shot up out of the water. Sensing a trap, they warned me to make no sudden movement. As I sat frozen, looking at my enemies I felt a sudden tug at the bottom of my boat. I heard stories of the kraken, but I always assumed they were wives tales.
As the boat began to sink I remembered how I could never coexist with the mermaid people. However, I never expected to be the one to die. 

David Lake

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